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/ Apple Reference & Presen…tion Library 2 (Reseller) / Apple R&P Lib Reseller v2.0.iso / 1-Reference / Apple Graphics Source / graphic files / aaaa-azzz / aasm (.png) < prev    next >
Encapsulated PostScript  |  1988-09-26  |  42KB  |  668x698  |  1-bit (2 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | crt screen | dialog box | earth | grass | monitor | person | sky | trade name | tree
OCR: aasm ROM 5-1 megabytes RAM 2 mecabytes Video shift recister To printer engine Video controller From printer engine ADE Future BXDanSIOn 00089 8MHz VIA1 LEDS To printe engine CPU control panel Serial port mode switches Mini DIN-8 AppleTalk RS. -422 SCC DB25 RS-232C EEPROM SUU To ROM PostScript anc printer control firmware RAM Virtual Mermory for Page imaging and font cache ADB (Apple Desktop Bus Serial low-speed bus for future expansion VIA Versatile Interface Adapter Controls video and power: LEDS SCC Serial Communication Controller chan-A: AppleTalk Async RS 422 chan-B: Async RS. 232C EEPROM Sorrrs serial port confiauration settings Video Control Provides bi image data to the printer Returns printer status to the controller mecabves register 68000 eDCIDE host PostScrint Memory AsvnC Store ...